Why The Social Syndicate Doesn’t Suffer from Imposter Syndrome

Zero Guilt here! We launched our marketing firm in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills back in 2010 before there was any other “social syndicate.” When you’re original you know it. That’s why “The” stands for The Social Syndicate… The original The Social Syndicate. We know we were the first since 2010 and celebrate 14 years Read more about Why The Social Syndicate Doesn’t Suffer from Imposter Syndrome[…]

The Social Syndicate is Convinced… There is Only One Book You’ll Ever Need on the Subject of Focus

ARE YOU FINDING YOURSELF MORE DISTRACTED THESE DAYS? Find Your Focus Zone will help you get back on track and answer that critical question. Now more than ever, social media, news, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, your iPhone, iPad or your Crackberry is vying for your attention. Do these applications and devices deserve it, or are you Read more about The Social Syndicate is Convinced… There is Only One Book You’ll Ever Need on the Subject of Focus[…]


Call me “old fashioned,” but I still like cold calling. I was trained and raised on it and I have had great financial success with it. It makes me uncomfortable and I’m continuously amazed at who I can get on the phone. I don’t personally ascribe to the notion that “cold calling is dead.” If Read more about COLD CALLING AND SOCIAL SELLING IN THE AGE OF ROBOCALLS[…]

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